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ADT Foundation Conference September 2016

August 2016

On 23rd and 24th September 2016 Renishaw plc will be working with the ADT foundation's UK Regional Leadership Group as platinum sponsors and co-hosts of its 2016 conference.

Day one of the event will be held at the Life Science Hub Wales in Cardiff and will feature presentations from healthcare professionals who will share their experiences of using ground-breaking digital technologies to propel their work forward and improve patient outcomes.

Day two will be held at Renishaw's Healthcare Centre of Excellence, located at its Miskin site just outside Cardiff, and will feature a number of educational workshops aiming to give attendees the chance to learn how to implement the technologies that they witnessed on day one.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to see metal 3D printing close-up and will be able to experience how custom cranial and maxillofacial implants are manufactured.

Dr Dominic Eggbeer of PDR and treasurer of the ADT foundation said, “The leadership group gives healthcare professionals, academics and industry the chance to share new techniques and technologies that are rooted in the digital world but can make significant improvements to the treatment of patients.”

Event registration is at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/adt-uk-conference-2016-tickets-26563075875.

About the ADT Foundation

The ADT Foundation was created to help identify and explore the future role of innovative digital technologies in reconstruction of the head and neck.
The missions of the Foundation are:

  1. To advance education by improving the quality of knowledge in the fields of medicine related to head and neck reconstruction; and
  2. To organise and present conferences, workshops and symposia for professional development related to head and neck reconstruction, including the conference known as "Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction".
