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'Inside Raman' at the Renishaw Innovation Centre was a packed day enjoyed by all

17th May 2016

The latest symposium in Renishaw's global series, Inside Raman, recently took place at the new Renishaw Innovation Centre at Renishaw's New Mills headquarters in Gloucestershire, UK.

It featured presentations from prominent scientists on their research. They are applying Raman spectroscopy across a broad spectrum of applications, from the life sciences to the newest 2D materials such as graphene and molybdenum disulphide.

Over fifty delegates attended the symposium, which included oral and poster presentations and demonstrations of Renishaw's latest inVia™ Qontor® confocal Raman microscope.

Visit the Inside Raman page for a full report on the day.

Watch a video

  • Inside Raman UK symposium 2016 Inside Raman UK symposium 2016

    Inside Raman was held recently at the Renishaw Innovation Centre, in Gloucestershire. Featuring presentations from prominent scientists on their research involving Raman spectroscopy, it was a fantastic learning and networking opportunity for delegates.
