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New publication on 3D imaging of cells

Researchers use inVia Raman microscope for combined 3D Raman and SERS imaging for the simultaneous confirmation of the cellular inclusion and multiple component detection of SERS nanotags

September 2013

Nanotags and cell

A paper by researchers at the University of Strathclyde and Renishaw plc was recently published in the journal Chemical Science. The authors include Sarah McAughtrie, Karen Faulds and Duncan Graham from the University of Strathclyde and Katherine Lau from Renishaw.

The paper '3D optical imaging of multiple SERS nanotags in cells' could be of interest to you if you work in nanomedicine, nanotechnology and cell biology.

It describes a method for verifying the uptake of multiple nanotags. The method can facilitate cell imaging, subcellular chemical analysis, and improve the understanding of delivery of external agents to cells.

The paper is available to download by following this link.

Images are reproduced from Chemical Science, Issue 9, 2013, page 3571, with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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